Dreams, Day Jobs and Basketball

Dreams, Day Jobs and Basketball

  While I was taking a photo tour of New York City, my guide and I walked by a large crowd gathered around what looked like a parking lot. As it turned out, it was a concrete pad with basketball hoops. I paused, because so many people were watching I wondered...
Gathering Storm

Gathering Storm

  Last week I spent an exciting two days in Newport News, VA at a photo shoot.  I went to get shots for a book cover I’m designing (no, not mine), but while I was there I hoped to get shots that I could use for artwork in a scheme I’m cooking up...
Getting Into Yale

Getting Into Yale

  First, a brief announcement. I have a new story coming out, and thought I should probably tell people about it. Otherwise it sits there lonely on the virtual selves, which makes me sad. And I hate to be sad, don’t you? So instead of being sad, why don’t you...