I’m A Rescuer!

I’m A Rescuer!

Sometimes Happiness Can Be Found In The Trash Room MELINDA VANLONE JAN 30, 2025 Dear Reader, Someone dumped a poor, sad, lonely, wilty Peace Lily in the trash room of our apartment building. They’d placed it on a newspaper in the corner like a sad puppy who might...
Look At Me All Organized And Stuff! 

Look At Me All Organized And Stuff! 

Bullet Journals Are Awesome! MELINDA VANLONE JAN 23, 2025 Dear Reader, I’m very proud of myself today, but first I have a little bit of digital housekeeping to do. Welcome to my first…actually my second but who’s counting…Substack post! I mentioned last week that I’d...
Socks on Jasper

Socks on Jasper

When Jasper has cozied up for a nap, he doesn’t let anything get in his way. Not even socks. Not even when those socks are one by one placed on him. He never even lifted his head! He did, however, look a little grumpy when I took the socks away. I think he...
Beware San Francisco

Beware San Francisco

Today I’m getting on a plane and taking a long ride, from East coast to West. I’m so excited to get a chance to spend quality time in San Francisco. I hope to bore everyone with tons of photos along the way and even more when I get back. I love feeding my...