Triumphant Endings and Happily Ever Afters since 1997

Hey you! I’m glad you stumbled into my little corner of the interwebs!

Random Things About Me:

  • If a book gets too tense I will flip forward to the last few pages to find out how it ends before I continue reading the story. No, this doesn’t in any way diminish the suspense for me; it just means I can focus on the story without having a heart attack.
  • As a child, I loved horror movies until I saw The Exorcist on TV. I left the room when her head started spinning and haven’t touched a true horror film since.
  • I am addicted to Lindt Double Chocolate Truffles. It’s the only candy I have a true craving for. I let the small square from heaven melt on my tongue until it dissolves into nothing, usually with my eyes closed. Pure bliss. Good thing they’re not that easy to find!
  • I once was the proud mommy to 24 cats. I was 16, and only one of them was allowed in the house. The rest were barn cats. All of them had names, and all of them were coddled beyond what might be expected for a barn cat.
  • I once had both ears double-pierced. The pain it caused was so excruciating that I let the second hole grow back in and swore off any other piercings.
  • One of my most treasured possessions is an autographed, leather-bound edition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I was giddy with excitement the day I met Douglas Adams. I was in college, and he was promoting his non-fiction book The Last Chance To See. I’m sure he’d rather I have handed him a copy of the non-fiction book, but who could pass up the opportunity to have him sign Hitchhiker? He’s yet another one on my list of those Gone Too Soon.
