Movie Review: Lucy

Movie Review: Lucy

  Before I get to the review I have to say something about the Promise of the Premise. When a storyteller writes up a synopsis or log line, they’re making a promise to us. “This is what the story will be about. This is why you should watch it.” It’s a hook, meant...
Book Review: The Silver Sickle

Book Review: The Silver Sickle

The Silver Sickle, by Ellie Ann I had the pleasure of reading this on the plane on my way to Atlanta, and when we landed I nearly refused to leave until I finished. What a fascinating story! It has a real steampunk vibe, but it’s not Victorian. To be honest I...
Movie Review: Man of Steel

Movie Review: Man of Steel

 Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon I may be the only person on the planet who hasn’t seen one of the previous Superman movies. Nor have I read the comics. Nor have I seen any TV shows based on it. I know the basic story, just from picking up bits here and...