NaNo – I see you!

NaNo – I see you!

I see NaNoWriMo rising like the sun, casting light over my writerly cave. Or is that a fire, ready to consume my soul? It might possibly be both. At any rate, I will once again be partaking of National Novel Writing Month, which takes place inexplicably in November...
Impressions of a Girl

Impressions of a Girl

I am so close to the end of this revision that I can feel THE END bumping against my leg. Or is that the cat? After that is, of course, the next project in line. A novella code-named Serin which I hope to share with the world in the next couple of months. I’m...
Such a Pretty Building

Such a Pretty Building

There truly is an overabundance of stunning architecture around DC. This one has all the trappings of a Very Important Place where Important Things Happen. Not today, obviously. Today, if they bothered to show up at all, it’s filled with spoiled children having...