Windows To Imagination

Windows To Imagination

  Guess what day it is! Guess What. Day. It. is! I bet you’re all hearing that commercial in your head right now. You’re welcome. It’s the middle of the work week! Bet you thought I was going to say something else. Maybe Lasagna Day or Pancake...
NaNo is here!

NaNo is here!

  Yes, it’s that time of year again. Leaves are falling, the air is chilling, my fingers are cramping. I’m writing more words. Lots and lots of words. New words never seen before. Well, in precisely this order anyway. I’ve been revising so much...
Fall is Falling

Fall is Falling

As I head into my writer cave, I can’t help but notice how cold my nose is. And my toes. Fall fell while I wasn’t looking. I should have known, because they started building the ice rink in the town square. Ice! It took me by surprise because my head is...
Fall Stream

Fall Stream

A benefit of hauling my behind to the Outdoors, besides the chance to breath fresh air and force my body into positions not supported by a chair, is scenes like these. If you ever visit the DC area, do take half a day and check out Great Falls National Park....