Movie Review: Looper

Movie Review: Looper

 Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, Paul Dano I love a good, mind bending story, and Looper delivers in a big way. Set in the near, and far, future, Looper explores what would happen if time travel were actually invented. It’s immediately outlawed,...
Movie Review: Looper

Movie Review: The Cold Light of Day

Henry Cavill, Bruce Willis, Verónica Echegui and Sigourney Weaver   I love a good action flick. All that chasing and running takes me away into a world where I can forget about anything and everything. It’s like going on a ride at the fair… up, down, around,...
Movie Review: Looper

Movie Review: The Bourne Legacy

 Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz and Edward Norton   Sometimes it’s nice to kick back with a great action flick. One with a solid plot, twists and turns, one that’s part of something even larger than itself and carries with it intrigue and politics, a hero who is...
Movie Review: Looper

Movie Review: Total Recall (2012)

Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessical Biel My thoughts as I left to see this movie: “oh I hope they don’t screw it up.” My thoughts as I returned: “They ruined it!” Fair disclosure: I’m a huge fan of the original. The characters were fantastic and larger than life...