JAN 10, 2025
Today is one of those days where I try to cram a lot of errands into the shortest amount of time possible. Do you ever do that? I feel like any day that I have to go out disrupts my writing time so I try to minimize the trips. Sounds reasonable, right? Go out early, then hit the tasks bam bam bam! Then get home. Easy peasy.
Until a cat is involved.
Today I get to bundle Mystic into a carrier, always a fun time, and stick her in the car where she will howl at me all the way to a new vet. I can’t wait to see how the poor woman handles my seventeen pounds of half-floof. I say half because she’s been licking herself bald from the waist all the way down her back legs. It looks like someone took a miniature lawn mower to her belly. Cat tongues are surprisingly effective at removing hair.
I’ve tried dressing her in a cone of shame, which she managed to remove almost immediately. I’ve tried covering her belly with nasty tasting bitter orange stuff. I’m not sure she noticed. I’ve tried tying a kitchen towel around her neck like a bandana. I yell at her every single time I catch her licking.
She stares at me like an unruly teenager and licks faster.
I hope the vet has some ideas!
Did I mention it’s very cold in Houston today and it’s supposed to rain? Mystic will looooove that.

Mystic proudly displaying her bare belly and legs like a trophy. Sigh.