Sometimes Happiness Can Be Found In The Trash Room
JAN 30, 2025
Dear Reader,
Someone dumped a poor, sad, lonely, wilty Peace Lily in the trash room of our apartment building. They’d placed it on a newspaper in the corner like a sad puppy who might piddle on the carpet, except it was obvious nobody had given this poor thing water in a long, long time so how the heck was it going to piddle?
I stared at it.
I love plants. They make me happy. They brighten any space, and all they want in return is water, light, and little love.
I can’t have this plant, I told myself. I have cats. Mystic will absolutely eat this plant.
I left it resolutely behind and returned to the apartment, feeling dejected.
Ms. Edwina: What’s wrong?
Me: Someone dumped a Peace Lily in the trash room.
Ms. Edwina: And?
Me: They think it’s dead, but it’s not. I could save it.
Ms. Edwina: So go get it.
Me: I can’t. The cat will eat it.
Ms. Edwina: Our new place has a huge balcony that needs plants.
Me, brightening: Why yes it does.
Ms. Edwina marched back to the trash room and fetched the neglected plant and handed it to me.
I grinned, set it in the sink, and doused it. Look! It lived!

I haven’t had indoor plants since…well let’s not get into an actual year total. Cats tend to not only eat plants, but they will also use the conveniently soft potting soil for…other things. Hanging them from the ceiling makes it hard to water them and gives the cats a jungle gym.
I’m thrilled that our first plant for our new nest will be a rescue. There’s something very meta about renewal and regrowth and possibilities wrapped up in this plant. I know, that’s a lot to put on a plant.
Still. It makes me happy.
In other moving news, the walls have paint! Next up, bookcases!
Moving day T-minus 10 days.
Until next time,

We’ve started carting boxes over to the new place, which gives us an excuse to try nearby restaurants. After a couple of days of fantastic food we’ve all realized our new nest may be very, VERY bad for our waistlines!