Happy Independence Day (a few hours early)! If you’re Canadian, a belated happy Canada Day. And for others around the world…er, happy….day! I confess my knowledge of other national holidays is somewhat lacking. But I’m sure there’s a reason to celebrate all over the world at some point, so happy whatever day!
For me, July 4th is all about celebrating. Celebrate our country, celebrate ourselves, celebrate our families and friends and those who serve and protect us. For one day, can we please put down the petty arguments and bickering, the pitchforks, the screaming rants, and simply enjoy the day and each other? We’re here! We’re alive! And that’s reason to celebrate, no matter what our differences. Hug your family, your dog, the neighbor. Eat some potato salad without regard for the calorie count. Venture outside and see some fireworks. Smile!
The world can go back to arguing later. Plenty of time for that. For now, we party!