Let’s play a game! I used to love Games Magazine, especially the section they called Eyeball Benders. They’d post a close-up photo of something and you guessed what it was, and then they’d reveal the answer. I hardly ever guessed right but it was fun trying so I thought I’d try my own version. Check in every week on Wednesday for a new eye bending image.
What do you think this is? Leave your guess in the comments below, then come back and click on the picture. Did you guess right?
I enjoy these too! Air conditioning vent?
I want to say razor blades on something like a bic razor. Ugh. The brown has me stumped, though. I think Julie might have it right.
Okay, you know what? I’m going to guess blinds. Window blinds. Final answer.
This was a hard one! Nobody I showed it to got it right, although Julie isn’t that far off. Click the photo for the answer!
Oh man! That’s pretty darn cool. I never would’ve guessed that, but now that I see it, yeah. I get it.