I’m starting a new game here on the blog! I used to love Games Magazine, especially the section they called Eyeball Benders. They’d post a close-up photo of something and you guessed what it was, and then they’d reveal the answer. I hardly ever guessed right but it was fun trying. For now, we’ll play it on Wednesdays. Check in every week for a new eye bending image and take a guess.
What do you think this is? Leave your guess in the comments below.
Obviously a knob on top of something, I can’t guess what. But it’s painted in Florida Gators’ colors so it’s lovely in my book. LOL
Go Gators!
I think it is a handle to a old fashion spinning top.
I think it’s the part on a wheel that you have to remove to change a tire (I’m blanking on the name).
You mean a lug nut?
Oh, wow … this is a tough one! I’m thinking it’s a nut from a merry-go-round. Or something along those lines. LOL!
It’s the top of a fire hydrant.
It’s made of metal; iron, judging by the rust on the exposed parts. It’s been repainted several times in bright colors and kid-friendly patterns. Could it be something on an old-fashioned piece of equipment from a kid’s playground?
You’re all so close! And one of you has it right 🙂 Click on the image to see the full shot and find out if it was you 🙂
I’m the big weiner!!